Displaying 1 - 36 of 1912 results



How to Network in Person. Valuable Tools in a Digital World.

Make no mistake, personal networks are a powerful thing. They are a source of inspiration and learning. Will provide support through the good times and the bad. Keep you innovative and provide a sounding board for key decisions. Help you get things...

Posted by: Ross Taylor


Dentsu Aegis launch LGBT+ employee network

The Dentsu Aegis Network has announced the launch of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) employee network in the UK & Ireland, called “&PROUD.” As a member of LGBT+ equality charity Stonewall, &PROUD aims to support LGBT+...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2016 Network of the Year goes to Ogilvy & Mather

Whilst the final days of the 2016 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity might have been coloured a little by results coming out of the UK on Friday morning, it can't be denied that it was a pretty incendiary year, especially when it came to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ogilvy & Mather named World's Most Effective Agency Network by Effies

Effie Worldwide has announced Ogilvy & Mather as the most effective agency network in the world, reclaiming the top slot it has held for three out of six years since the Effie Index was established. The agency was previously awarded the title in 2012...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Revenues are up at Twitter - so where now for the social network?

Whenever financial commentators comment on the fiscal possibilities of social media, the focus falls of Facebook. Understandable, I suppose. A fifth of the world's population has an account and the whole platform seems permanently balanced between...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


China build world's first un-hackable computer network

China will soon be the proud owners of the world's most secure computer network, meaning all communications between Shanghai and Beijing will be (theoretically at least) completely impenetrable to hackers, giving the fledgling superpower a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


6 tips to network like a pro

Networking is the secret ingrediant to further your career. It allows you to make connections and build mutually beneficial relationships that will aid your development in your personal and work life. These simple tips will help you to become a...

Posted by:


VivaKi sponsor original AOL On Network shows

VivaKi has been announced as the exclusive advertising partner of four new AOL Originals shows that will be available exclusively through the AOL On network in the UK and across AOL owned publishers and sites such as The Huffington Post, Engadget and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to make yourself a billionaire with a failing social network.

How about this for a pitch. A new social network - only you pay for this one. For your money, you are guaranteed the opportunity to interact with celebrities, leading business people, sport stars and top technology people. Essentially, you're buying...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


That other social network. The rise of Google Plus.

So, you think you know your social media? What's the biggest social network in the world, then? Right, Facebook. Even my Auntie Janet knows it's Facebook - and I don't have an Auntie Janet. Okay, which social network is the second biggest? Twitter,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Ogilvy & Mather Retains Network of the Year Title at Cannes Lions 2013

Cannes, France - 22 June 2013 - In a year of firsts at the 60th Anniversary Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2013, Ogilvy & Mather has become the first agency to be awarded over 100 Lions in one year, while also winning its first ever Creative...

Posted by: Ogilvy UK


Do you network?

Up until a month ago I'd never attended a networking group. In truth I didn't know much about them. I assumed that they were for geeks and braggers, for the totally incompetent and the mildly desperate, for people either short of friends or folk who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Online resources for better freelancing

Is it a good time to be a freelancer working at creative agencies at the moment? It's a question that seems to get very varied responses as everyone's situation is different, and the availability of work is spread unevenly across the disciplines this...

Posted by: Creativepool


Frameworks reinvents itself #CompanySpotlight

For this week’s spotlight, we spoke to Ben Bush, Partner and Head of Strategy at The Frameworks, to discuss their new proposition, “Reinvention,”. This focuses on how building a winning business is fundamentally creative. It’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designhouse bring energy back #BehindTheBrand

We spoke to Richard Debenham, Design Director at Designhouse this week, about his agency’s job creating a new brand name and visual identity for a former subsidiary brand of the district energy business, Equans, set to lead the UK market in a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Big Has and mates whip up fusion frenzy for Inch’s cider #BehindTheIdea

Heineken’s apple cider Inch’s, and food and drink social media publication Twisted by Jungle Creations recently launched Local Gems, a tasty new campaign seeing leading UK foodie creators Big Has, Alfie Cooks & Hey Renu and chefs from the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Shape craft a bold new identity for Women Deliver #BehindTheBrand

In March this year, “positive impact” agency Shape rebranded Women Deliver, a global advocacy organization. To learn more, we spoke to Geli Luna, Associate Design Director, and Ayesha Gardiner, Associate Strategy Director at Shape. What...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Exploring Creative Colleges in the USA for UI Design

When you're passionate about user interface (UI) design, choosing the right college can feel like a crucial step in crafting your future career. But with so many educational institutions offering programs in UI design and related fields, how do you...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Career paths: how do you qualify?

There are so many ways to get a career in design, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that you just need the formal qualifications to be a good designer. It’s absolutely possible to be good at design without any qualifications at all. Like with...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson

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